People bounce back from most things, I said, but every time they're stretched they bounce back a little less so it's no wonder you have to surprise a smile out of old people. SPM
The Cathedral District (proper) is a large area as designated by 1980's district maps on file at City Hall.
I decided to designate a portion of the district under another name to clarify the "where" I am writing of. I am sure there are interesting happenings - I *know* there is a rapidly disappearing wealth of interesting buildings - in the Cathedral District as a whole, but it is the smaller tightly settled and connected portion framed within Washington, Hoyt and Genesee that I see on a daily basis. And that is what I mostly write about: My neighborhood with its quirks, and the rare interesting trips away from home that might be of interest to those who live nearby... Entries whose titles are [bracketed] are currently being edited for consideration as a collection of published poems (duplicated non-bracketed titles are the original thought or impression that came prior to the poems). Please feel especially welcome to comment and critique these entries; the assitance of extra eyes is most welcome!Visit. Read. Comment. Please:)
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